Breaking- आपदा विभाग से जुड़े दो अधिकारियों के इस्तीफे से हलचल

त्यागपत्र- ED डॉ पीयूष रौतेला और SEOC जुगरान ने मुख्य सचिव को भेजे इस्तीफे में उठाये सवाल

पढ़ें, इस्तीफा पत्र

अविकल उत्तराखंड 

देहरादून। राज्य के आपदा तंत्र में सब कुछ ठीक नहीँ चल रहा है। लम्बे समय से DMCC और USDMA से जुड़े दो बड़े अधिकारियों ने तमाम शिकायतों के साथ अपने इस्तीफे दे दिए।

DMMC/USDMA के अधिशासी निदेशक ED डॉ पीयूष रौतेला और Jr Exe (Opns)/ In-charge SEOC DMMC/USDMA राहुल जुगरान ने एकमहीने पहले मुख्य सचिव को इस्तीफे सौंपा था।

एक महीने के नोटिस के बाद दोनों अधिकारी आपदा से जुड़ी आज की बैठक में नहीं आये।

रौतेला और जुगरान 2006 से आपदा प्रबंधन न्यूनीकरण केंद्र में संविदा पर तैनात हुए थे। इसके बाद उत्तराखण्ड स्टेट डिजास्टर मैनेजमेंट अथॉरिटी में ट्रांसफर किये गए।

दोनों ही अधिकारियों ने मुख्य सचिव को सम्बोधित अपने इस्तीफे में आपदा विभाग, शासन,सर्विस रूल्स व अन्य मुद्दों पर शिकायत दर्ज की है। जुगरान का कहना है कि अधिकारियों के रवैये के कारण कई लोग इस यूनिट को छोड़ चुके हैं।

Subject: Request for release, effective June 30, 2024.

Respected Ma’am,

With deep regret, I am compelled to submit this letter of resignation from my position of Executive Director at DMMC/USDMA, effective June 30, 2024.

This decision, after dedicating over 22 years of the prime of my career towards disaster resilience of our state, has neither been easy nor taken lightly and in haste. However, the previous four years and six months, since my unilateral transfer from DMMC to USDMA have been marked by a profound lack of support and resolution regarding my critical service-related matters.

Despite my repeated representations, the concerned authorities at USDMA have displayed indifference and inaction on issues that have far-reaching consequences for my career trajectory and well-being of my family. This persistent disregard constitutes not only professional negligence but also personal harassment and infringement of my fundamental rights, deeply impacting my physical and mental health, and straining familial relationships and bonds.

The failure to address these concerns in a timely and responsible manner has created an untenable situation, wherein I am left feeling cornered, disrespected, harassed and denied my rightful entitlements. Therefore, I respectfully request that you direct the relevant officials at USDMA to settle all my pending rightful dues by June 30, 2024. Beyond this date, I shall be unable to offer my services in any capacity.

I am grateful for your time and consideration, and I sincerely hope that this situation is resolved amicably.

Yours sincerely,

(Piyoosh Rautela)


Respected Ma’am,

With deep regret, I am compelled to submit this letter of resignation from my position of Junior Executive (Operations) at DMMC/USDMA, effective June 30, 2024.

This decision after dedicating almost 18 years of the prime of my career towards disaster resilience of our state and having continuously managing affairs of State Emergency Operations Center SEOC on 24×7/365 days basis; has neither been easy nor has been taken lightly. However, the previous more than four years since my unilateral transfer from DMMC to USDMA have been marked by a profound lack of support and resolution regarding my critical service-related matters.

Despite my repeated representations, USDMA authorities have displayed indifference and inaction on issues that have far-reaching consequences for my career trajectory and well-being of my family. This persistent disregard constitutes not only professional negligence but also personal harassment, deeply impacting my physical and mental health, and straining familial relationships. This clearly indicates the kind of attitude and prejudice that the organization has chosen to extend to the undersigned and continues to do so.

The history of organizational apathy and intent now leaves the undersigned with absolute pessimism; to expect the state of affairs to improve. Precisely for these reasons and anticipating further harassment by the organization, the undersigned has no option but to make an unwanted and a very difficult choice to request to relinquish him from the present engagement; that would also put an end to the endless sufferings to him and his family.

The undersigned would again request that all his dues in the genuine spirit of his initial engagement with the organization be cleared along with interest payable.

The failure to address these concerns in a timely and responsible manner has created an untenable situation. I am left feeling cornered, disrespected, and denied my rightful entitlements. Therefore, I respectfully request that you direct the relevant officials at USDMA to settle all my pending dues by June 30, 2024. Beyond this date, I will be unable to offer my services in any capacity.

I am grateful for your time and consideration, and I sincerely hope that this situation can be resolved amicably.

Yours sincerely,


(Rahul Jugran) Jr Exe (Opns)/ In-charge SEOC DMMC/USDMA

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